way older than I am but most of you were still in preschool
and might not have a clue what I'm on about.
Back in 1993 Swedish television aired the fantastic English
drama series Lipstick on Your Collar.
During the Suez Crisis of 1956, two young clerks at the
stuffy Foreign Office in Whitehall display little interest
in the decline of the British Empire.
To their eyes, it can hardly compete with girls, rock music
and the intrigue of romantic entanglements...
It's pretty funny that little ol' me ended up with a guy that
was an extra in several scenes in my favorite TV-series of
all times.
Yes, my guy is popping up every now and then the whole
series through, I could only find one episode on YouTube
that he's in.
In this one he's walking through the door right behind the
singer, 12 - 15 seconds into the clip below.
Wee, jag kan knappt vänta till jag får sakerna :)
220 kr kostade den.
(Vill du hellre att jag skriver på engelska?
I hate to break it to you but the bag cost £1.50 at Primark.
If you see anything else that's from England at Tradera, send me a mail and maybe I can get it for you but for a way lower cost.
No, it's fine if you write in Swedish, I don't have any Swedish letters on my keyboard so that's why I write in English.
den vill jag gärna se. såg den säkert när jag var liten, tittade ganska mycket på tv och vi hade bara svt 1 & 2 och finska kanalerna.
haha vad faaan! aja, då vet jag. jag är glad för den ändå.
ååh det hade varit så gulligt av dig!
jag hoppas du får roligt i Sthlm!
I have missed this series completely. What a shame! Looks fab.
ok first of all, i am in love, Ewan is such a cutie,
and then woaw the white dress the girl is wearing is just perfection !
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