Tuesday 25 June 2013


Today was the first sunny day we had since we got back.
I wanted to make the most of it and convinced my man that
we should go to my favorite town to scout the charity shops
and just spend a little time together, I didn't have to beg.
We went through 16 charity shops. :))
I snagged a few nice things, as you can see...

1960's raspberry sorbet pink dress with white fleck, £5.
(Approx $7.70)

1960's top, £1.
(Approx $1.55)

1980's sunglasses, £2.
(Approx $3)

1960's handbag, £2.50.
(Approx $3.85)

1950's clutch, 50 pence.
(Approx $0.75)

1950's shadowbox/knick-knack shelf, £2.
(Approx $3)

1950's ashtray, 50 pence.
(Approx $0.75)

1 comment:

doradadama said...

Oh my, look at the shadow shelf!