Monday, 24 January 2011


Did my first day at my new job today and I did very
well, if I might say so myself, there was so much to
do, no dead second and no time for a break.
Some of my co-workers had plenty of smoke and tea
breaks but I don't smoke and I don't like naff tea.
I'm very diligent when I want to be.

And of course I didn't come home empty handed...

Vintage sunglasses, 30 pence.
I've wanted sunglasses like these for a while but they're
never cheap.

Faux fur, 30 pence.
Perfect! I'm gonna attach this one to a black cardigan.

Vintage wicker box bag, 40 pence.
Cute but I'm not sure I'll keep it for myself.


Miss Tami Lee said...

Congrats on the new job! The first day is always daunting

Kitten loves vintage said...

How exiting with the new job - hope it goes well for you!