Tuesday, 22 July 2008


I'm absolutely disgusted by Tradera.
Last month I had trouble paying my bills, their account
wouldn't receive my money, finally it worked but the
newest bill suddenly disappeared and I thought maybe
they removed it in a gesture of good will, not bloody
likely, it turned up a couple of days ago!
I payed as soon as I saw it but it wasn't fast enough, now
I'm shut down for a couple of days and they want 50 kr
for late payment. Up theirs!
I'm fed up, this is the second month I'm shut off and it's
not even my fault.
What will my customers think?
They can see that I have good feedback and all but still...

Me and my man might look into selling details for Etsy
tonight, I want to start as soon as possible.
I'm not giving Tradera a penny more, that's for sure.
I've been selling stuff on Tradera since 2003 and I had
tons of problems with their customer service.
I have had death threats from some users, because I'm
Jewish, and when I contacted Tradera and said that these
users should be shut down because of these emails they
said that I should go to the police, that they couldn't do
anything about it. WTF?!
The people that sent me death threats is still using their
Some of the guys that started Tradera back in the days
were actually Jewish but they sold their shares, I wonder
if it would have been a different story if they wouldn't have
done that.


Mrs Munster said...

That it just terrible! I'm sure there is some kind of internet shop advice bureau. Good luck anyway to solve it!

Miss Rascal said...

I already payed before they added the 50 kr fee anyway so I don't owe them anything.
I might still sell some stuff on Tradera but not as much as I've done lately.
Their selling fees are way too high compared to Etsy, kind of feels like I'm earning money for a bunch of nazis.

B-b-b-etty said...

fy fan. idioter. dom ska väl ta nåt slags ansvar för vad det är för folk som är medlemmar på DERAS sida.

ser fram emot dina auktioner ;D Skulle behöva ett par till rosetter, såna blå med ankare. vill ha 2 till så att jag har ifall att jag tappar nån

Anonymous said...

jag avskyr också att sälja på tradera. önskar att det fanns ett annat alternativ. dom har även stängt av mig för att jag betalade för sent en gång. plus att dom hotade att stänga av mig för all framtid för att jag hade skrivit en "vilseledande" rubrik. dom är otroligt krångliga och inte ett dugg rädda om sina stamkunder. plus att dom är äckligt dyra. hoppas att dom snart inte har några kunder kvar!
etsy kanske är en bra idé? jag gillar ju dock att ha auktioner. mycket roligare så.

Miss Rascal said...

Betty Lou: I will buy some ribbons tomorrow and make some more since you really like them. :)

Vintage Darling: Yes, Etsy seems like a way better alternative, they only accept handmade or real vintage stuff, not new ones but the listing is only 20 cents/item, the selling fee is only 3.5% fee. All listings include up to 5 images. Listings stay up for 4 months. Can it be better?

WTF?! They wanted to shut you down for one single description? Everyone can make mistakes.
What's the matter with them?!

Oh, and give your little puppy a kiss on the nose from me.

B-b-b-etty said...

tack ;D